This play was written in various versions, starting in 2012, until it appeared in the Journal of Performance Studies. I wanted to write about Morocco after 2011, Morocco after February 20, and I found myself writing about lying as a betrayal of the rules of coexistence. Unfortunately, I say that the presence of the word “together” has diminished a lot. Even when we resort to this word or its implications, we do it falsely, and for our purposes, not to ” Together”, and this is what the characters of the play do, Monsieur K is an opportunistic politician who hails from popular circles, but at some point decides to break with “together” to pursue his tendencies and whims, including his frantic yearning for power. Mademoiselle K accepts to be a bed for Monsieur K, and even if she seems compelled to do so, she is bartering everything she has for a place alongside the top people. The young man breaks into Monsieur K’s studio to save what is left of hope in common life, but at an unexpected moment, he prefers to pierce a hole for himself, leaving others the freedom and pleasure of foolish cheering…